September 23, 2022
Health Packages

Our Comprehensive Male Package comprises a set of tests suited for all males to help understand the overall general state of your body. The package includes a combination of physical examination and consultation, with nineteen lab tests of blood and urine, as well as diagnostics and imaging.

Our Comprehensive Male Package includes:

  1. Complete Blood Count
  2. ESR [checks blood inflammation and infection]
  3. Blood Sugar Fasting
  4. HbA1C [blood sugar level for the past 3 months]
  5. Lipid profile [complete cholesterol test]
  6. Liver Function Test
  7. Gamma GT for Liver
  8. Kidney Function Test
  9. Uric acid
  10.  Thyroid Function Test
  11.  Vitamin D
  12.  Vitamin B12
  13.  Urine R/E
  14.  Stool R/E with Occult Blood
  15.  Chest X-ray
  16.  ECG [checks heart’s rhythm and electrical activity]
  17.  Ultrasound: Abdomen /Pelvis
  18.  ECHO [checks the structure and function of your heart]
  19.  General Physician Consultation
  20.  Dental Screening

Optional Tests:

  1. PSA for Prostate
  2. Treadmill Test [checks electrical activity of the heart]

Price: NPR 13,700/-

We also provide home sample collection service and online doctor consultation, for your convenience.

Opening Hours: Sun-Sat, 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM